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 The East Cupcake Middle School Reporter

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Special politics issue!

Why I like Donald Trump
By Tom M.

My dad loves Donald Trump. He says Trump is a real man. He likes real men, not men who act like women. My dad likes to hunt deer and rabbits and catch fish. I think Trump also likes to hunt deer (but maybe not rabbits as they are small) and catch fish, but I think my dad is better at it.

Trump is big and strong. My dad likes men who are big and strong. He is big and strong, too. Even bigger and stronger than Trump. Trump also likes Big Macs and fries. I like Big Macs and fries too. My Dad takes me McDonalds sometimes. I think it would be very nice if I could meet Trump there some time. If he didn't have any fries, I would give him some of mine. That would make him happy.

Another thing I like about Trump is that he always tells the truth. I think that is good. My Dad watches television at night after I go to bed. He says he likes to watch a lady named Laura. I can't remember her last name. It's kind of hard to say and spell. It's not like Smith or something like that. My Dad says she is very smart and also pretty. Laura says that Trump always tells the truth. I believe that because my Dad told me and he always tells the truth. I always tell the truth also because my Dad hits me if I don't.

Another thing I like about Trump is that he wants to keep us safe. There are a lot of bad people out there and Trump doesn't want to let them in. There are even people who want to kill babies. Our pastor in church says that Trump wants to protect the babies but Biden doesn't want to protect the babies. I like babies. I don't want anyone to hurt them. My cousin has a baby. She is very cute (the baby, not the cousin). When I am there, I try to protect her from people who want to kill her.
I wish I could vote for Joe Biden
By Maria L.

I'm 12 years old so I can't vote, but I will vote when I get to be 18. My oldest sister, Anna, is 18 and she said she will vote this year for the first time. If I could vote, I would definitely vote for Joe Biden. Let me tell you why. Biden looks a lot like my Grandpa. He even sounds a little like my Grandpa. My Grandpa is a wonderful man. He is kind and helpful and likes children very much. Not just his grandchildren, but he likes all children. I don't know if Biden has grandchildren, but I am sure he likes all children. He wants them to have a nice house to live in and enough food so they are not hungry. I think that makes him a good man. I'll bet if I met him campaigning and I asked him politely and said "please" he would buy me an ice cream cone. I prefer chocolate, but other flavors are also good.

But Biden also is also good in other ways. He thinks it is good for people who live in other countries and are very poor there and don't have enough to eat to come to America. My Grandpa was born in another country. It think it was in Europe (it probably still is in Europe), but I forget the name. He didn't like it so he came to America. Biden said he was welcome. Donald Trump said he was not welcome. I think Biden is right because Grandpa likes America. He had to learn who George Washington was and became an American. Now he can vote. I think he will vote for Biden because Biden said he was welcome and Trump said he was not welcome.

Another thing I like about Biden is that he always tells the truth. My Grandpa told me that George Washington also always tells the truth. Except he is dead now (George Washington, not my Grandpa). I think telling the truth is important. Trump lies all the time. I think that is bad so I won't vote for him when I am 18.
Why I like the Democrats
By Arthur P.

My Mom is a Democrat. I love her very much. She is a very good cook so I trust her very much. She is really good at making spaghetti with meatballs, which I love. If she says I should be a Democrat, then I will do that because it will make her happy.

She told me that the Democrats like all women. White ones and Black ones, tall ones and short ones, fat ones and skinny ones. She said the Republicans don't like women. She also said they don't like Black people, like my friend, Bill, who I like playing ping pong with. He is pretty good, but I can win sometimes, but not always because he is pretty good. Sometimes I go over to his house and we play video games because he doesn't have a ping pong table like we do. That's OK though. Both of us like video games. He has a Nintendo. We don't have one, so I like going to his house. If Trump was president, I wouldn't be allowed to play with him because he is Black. I wouldn't like that.

We used to have a Black president. His name was Barack Obama. My Mom said he was the best president ever. She voted for him not just once, but two times. He was that good. Maybe when I am 18 I will also vote for him, but I will check with my Mom first. She loves me very much and will tell me what I should do.

Also, the Democrats want the air and water to be clean so people don't get sick. I think that is a very good idea. I don't want people to get sick. Not just me, but other people too. The Republicans don't care if people get sick because the people who make the air and water dirty pay them to keep it dirty. I think that is a good reason to be for the Democrats.

I like the Republicans
By Kimberly R.

There are many reasons I like the Republicans. To start with, their animal is the elephant. I love elephants. Whenever I go to the zoo I always want to see the elephants. They are kind and graceful and never get angry at other animals. Everyone likes elephants.

Another reason I like Republicans is that they like rich people. My Dad said if I study hard in school and go to college later then I will be rich and the Republicans will like me. I would like being rich. Then I could buy a big house and have some animals (maybe a horse, but not an elephant). I am learning to ride a horse. It's fun. You have to be nice to the horse. Then the horse will like you. The Republicans don't like poor people. They smell bad. I don't like people who smell bad. One of the boys in my class (but I won't say his name or he will be angry with me) also smells bad. I don't know if he is poor. Maybe.

The Republicans like freedom. They want you to be able to do whatever you want. I like that. I like playing baseball. The boys don't think girls should play baseball, but I want to anyway. The boys think I should play with dolls, but I like playing baseball. I don't like playing with dolls, even though I did when I was 3 or 4. But now I am 11. Freedom is doing what you want, like playing baseball.

There are other reasons I like the Republicans but I can't remember all of them now. There are a whole lot of them, too many to remember and I have to turn in this story today or it won't go into the newspaper. I want it to go in because I have never written a story for a newspaper before. If you want to know more reasons, come ask me.